What our clients think?
Relationships are foundational in our work. Ensuring our people are satisfied is pivotal to our success.
Proof sells. Promises don't. Here is what some of our happy clients have to say.

“Chad brings to schools a real understanding of the big picture and the potential for schools to evolve into places where students thrive. Our work with Chad saw St. Joseph's Primary School grow in numbers because our students love the cross-curricular instructional model we designed, and our families love the kinds of conversations they have with their children and what they are learning about themselves and the world. Chad's role has been invaluable in helping us understand how to contextualise evidence-based instructional strategies to meet our students' needs and position innovation as a journey worth investing in. We set out to design something new, to excite our students and reduce the workload for our teachers - what we ended up with is the most authentic school improvement we could imagine because our model is built on values and learning skills, and this shift away from content as the driver has led to stronger relationships between staff, more authentic relationships between staff and students, and a very real relationship between students and their learning. Chad's enthusiasm and passion for improving education sustained us through the journey and gave us the confidence to continue exploring what 'even better' looks like. His ability to diagnose situations and offer suggestions has saved us time and made our collaborative efforts more efficient and effective. His immense generosity means he is available whenever we need his assistance, and he has been an invaluable critical friend, providing genuine examples and feedback for our staff. I would highly recommend Chad's services, which are much more than a one-size-fits-all model that you will find elsewhere - he will walk beside you to develop sustainable ways to move your school forward”.
Alicia Pringle
Subject Matter Expert:
Literacy and Learning Innovation
Armidale Catholic Schools, NSW

“Chad came to work with us at a time when we were looking to encapsulate our school's priorities and evolving pedagogical practices. He takes the time to really drill down to what would most help synthesise the great work that our teachers are doing in re-imaging learning experiences for our students. What I most appreciate about Chad's approach is the systematic, measured and collegial manner in which he led us through a process of naming our Learning Framework, involving all key stakeholders... students, teachers, parents and the leadership team... and regularly testing in the gentlest of ways, our perceptions of where we believe we are sitting now and where we hope to be.”
Gayle Stratton
St Mary's Catholic Primary School
Orange, NSW

"Learning has come to life at Delaneys Creek. Working with Chad has put the life and soul back into learning and the curriculum. Teachers believe that since working with Chad, the students are far more engaged and feel a greater sense of autonomy."
Julianne Mabb
Delaneys Creek State School
Delaneys Creek, QLD

"Chad’s work is innovative, flexible and unique. He can work across many settings - guiding a teacher in their own learning for curriculum design, working with a group of teachers to innovate their practice, or coaching a Leadership Team for transformative work at a whole school level.
Chad’s ability to meet people where they are and take them through a learning process is inspiring.
In building a working relationship with Chad, we, as a Leadership Team, came to know his strengths quickly.
He has supported us in the design of strategic plans for improvement across the school. He listens intently, builds trusting dialogue, and has a unique capacity to transform whole school practices.."
Emma Dunne
Assistant Principal
St Therese's Catholic Primary School
Denistone, NSW

"Chad has played a pivotal role in supporting our school leadership to engage all stakeholders in developing a Learning Framework that encompasses our Assumption values and expresses our why, how, and what. Through this work, he has elevated and strengthened our relationships with those in our learning community and united all in a shared vision and commitment. Chad brings expertise, passion, and an inclusive approach that has significantly enhanced our learning community. We wholeheartedly endorse Chad for any school seeking a visionary partner to shape an exceptional learning journey for its students, staff, and family community."
Angela Johnson
The Assumption Catholic Primary School
Bathurst, NSW

"Chad's energy and love of learning has been infectious to my team. He has an end in mind and approaches sessions with a win-win mentality. Chad allows us to reflect deeply on our context and directions, with students' results and wellbeing at the core of our work. He has contributed to our leadership goals and has developed deep trust among the team."
Antonella Mazzucco
St Brigid's
Catholic Primary School
Marrickville, NSW

“Work with ideatED using Hexagonal Curriculum Mapping has helped teachers create connections across all Key Learning Areas. The clear and concise toolsets created to support the Design Thinking process have been integral to the implementation of this framework. Teachers commented on the energy they gained from using the Hexagonal Curriculum Mapping methodology with Chad to bring KLAs together and give students multiple exposures fostering greater real-world connections”.
Luke Campbell
Assistant Principal
St Brendan's
Catholic Primary School
Annandale, NSW

"We have embraced the process of redesigning teaching and learning across our school. As a result, we have established a shared language, and all members of our school community can clearly articulate the school's vision for learning which has been captured in developing a Learning Framework unique to our context. We are still on our journey and look forward to continuing our relationship with Chad into the future."
Gai Melville
St Joseph the Worker
Catholic Primary School
Auburn South, NSW

"Chad is talented, insightful and motivating as a coach, trainer and educator. His background into educational approaches give him much deserved credibility and a real edge as a facilitator of change and impact."
Emma Polson
Teach Quality Advisor:
School Services
NSW Department of Education